Forrester Research는 ‘
The Future of Apple’라는 보고서를 발표했다.
이 리포트에서 포레스터는 “지금부터 5년 후인 2013년, 애플은 5개의 핵심제품으로 일반 가정의 디지털홈을 공략할 것”이라고 예측했다.
Forrester에 따르면, 현재 대부분의 가정에서 AV장비들과 IT장비들은 실제적으로 연결되어 있지 않다. Apple의 Airport Express나 Apple TV 정도가 이러한 gap을 메우는 브릿지 역할을 하고 있지만, 여전히 AV/IT는 비디오, 음악, 사진 등은 분리된 채 서비스되고 있으며, 애플이 홈컴퓨팅 사업의 강화를 통해 Living Room을 장악할 것으로 예측했다.
- As would be expected, the Macintosh will likely be sprinkled throughout the home.
- A home server product would act as the digital hub-and-spoke ecosystem to push video streams, music, and photos throughout the home.
- An AppleSound universal music controller could serve as a standalone iPod, and as a music and video controller, via dedicated home stereo amplifiers. And, of course, it would feature a touch screen and Internet connection, with access to Apple's home server. This device would, in essence, become a remote control, a mobile Internet device, and a gateway to a unified digital home AV/IT system.
- Network-enabled "clock radio" and digital-photo frames would aim to be spread throughout the house, offering something like Bose-quality speakers and HD-quality 9-inch screens. These little devices would pump out music, video, and, as one would expect, digital photos throughout the house.
- Lastly, there would be an Apple TV media extender. Apple TV may morph to feature such goodies as a long-rumored integration of a Blu-ray player, an integrated DVR, and a possible joint venture set-top box, the report surmises.