야후 OneConnect
야후가 GSMA Mobile World Congress에서 발표한 ‘원커넥트(OneConnect)'
원커넥트는 휴대 전화 사용자가 소셜 네트워킹 업데이트나 메시징을 휴대 전화의 한 곳에 집약할 수 있는 새로운 툴이다. 이 서비스는 휴대 전화 사용자의 주소록에 직접적으로 통합되어 있으며 사용자는 각종 메시징이나 소셜 네트워킹의 플랫폼으로부터 상태 갱신이나 메시지를 공유할 수 있다.
즉 페이스북이나 마이스페이스닷컴으로부터 상태를 갱신하거나 전자 메일이나 보관된 인스턴트 메시징의 채팅에 접근할 수 있는 것이다.
야후가 모바일 웹 지배를 목표로 하는 캠페인으로 승부를 걸건 같다.
Yahoo! oneConnect will be the first mobile product with an open architecture that aggregates communications tools - email, IM, SMS, and social networks - for a new level of convenience in mobile communications.
- Socially-connected address book - Provide users the capability to integrate activity from popular social networks, professional networks, and communities into their address book, keeping it always in sync. Consumers will be able to view status updates, photo uploads, and the recent activity ("pulse") of contacts across all their networks.
- Integrated mobile messaging - Offer seamless integration of IM and SMS, including threaded conversations. Any messaging service will be able to use Yahoo! oneConnect's open APIs to plug into the application's messaging feature - enabling consumers to access a wide range of popular services, such as Yahoo! Messenger, Google(R) Talk, AOL(R) Instant Messenger and MSN(TM) Messenger.
- Status - Give consumers the capability to view their contacts by their most recent status updates on popular social networks, as well as update their own status on their favorite social networks - in one easy step - and automatically broadcast it to their friends.
- Pulse - Provide consumers the functionality to see a dynamic overview of what friends are up to, including recent photos, their status, profile updates, and recommendations based on their most recent actions on popular social networks.
- Favorites - Keep the people consumers interact with most at their fingertips. Users will be able to set up messaging shortcuts to make reaching out as quick as possible.
- Social contact card - Allow users to aggregate the most relevant information on any given contact, including archives of past communications, detailed pulse history, and one-click ways to initiate communication.
- Innovative location-sensing technology - Provide new ways to locate, chat with, and exchange contact information with nearby Yahoo! oneConnect users. Proximity alerts will notify consumers when a contact enters their vicinity.
- An open communications platform - Give users the functionality to communicate via multiple communications tools - such as IM, SMS, and social networks. Widgets will provide users the capability to access their email across major email providers, such as Yahoo! Mail, MSN Hotmail(R), Gmail(R), and AOL(R) Mail. Additionally, Yahoo! is in discussions with DataViz(R), a company that allows mobile users to access their corporate Microsoft Exchange(TM) email accounts and Microsoft Office(TM), documents, to work together on widget versions of its industry-acclaimed RoadSynch(R) and Documents To Go(R) applications.