Class Participation Grading Game @ MIT Sloan
2016.09.26 by nerdstory
2013 US NEWS MBA Ranking
2013.01.22 by nerdstory
성공적 엘리베이터 피치(Elevator Pitch)를 위한 노하우
2009.10.23 by nerdstory
MBA가 원하는 직장 Top 15
2009.05.22 by nerdstory
퀄컴 제이콥스회장 - Providing Chips and Technology for a World with Four Billion Cellular Subscribers
2009.04.18 by nerdstory
The U.S. and the World’s Recession - Roberto Rigobon 교수
2009.04.10 by nerdstory
MBA top 40위권 학교들에 대한 재미난 분석 글..
2009.04.07 by nerdstory
2009년도 Financial Times의 MBA Ranking
2009.03.07 by nerdstory