MIT Inspirational Teacher Award
2009.06.14 by nerdstory
MIT Great Dome Hack 2009
2009.06.09 by nerdstory
MIT Commencement 2009
2009.06.03 by nerdstory
2009년 MIT 총동문 체육대회
2009.06.03 by nerdstory
15.398 Corporations at Crossroads : The CEO Perspective
2009.05.30 by nerdstory
MBA가 원하는 직장 Top 15
2009.05.22 by nerdstory
Time지가 선정한 최악의 실패 기술 Top 10
2009.05.20 by nerdstory
퀄컴 제이콥스회장 - Providing Chips and Technology for a World with Four Billion Cellular Subscribers
2009.04.18 by nerdstory